Wednesday, May 21, 2008

For the Love of Emerie

The reason I will have baby number four:

Painted toddler toes. sigh.
(Emerie, age 21 months)


Juli said...

Awwwwwww :*) Let's not forget chubby baby ankles!!! So get cracking on #4!! Your babies are entirely too gorgeous to stop at 3! You owe it to the world!

Jennifer said...

Sounds like you have baby fever. I am willing to predict yall will have another.I knew after 3 my family was complete and until you have that feeling keep having babies!!!!!

Rose said...

So you are going to have another one? ;)

Emily said...

Yeah for four babies (I am the youngest of four). I would love to have that many kiddos. I also love that you can paint Emerie's toes; my Claire would never sit still long enough for me to do that.
I was really hoping that we could have met this last week. It just wasn't in the cards, maybe some other time when I am in Waco.

Kesleigh Castle said...

I think baby number four will want a baseball bat and some cleats on... probably not painted toes.. My prediction.. You're due the life changing experience of raising a BOY!! Either way, he or she will be blessed to be yours

Nicki W. said...

so, there is no baby #4 or is there? what if you have a boy? no painted tootsies, i hope! heehee!